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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

'The Outsiders' by Susan Eloise Hinton

The Outsiders is a novel based around the struggles of teenager ‘Ponyboy Curtis’. ‘Ponyboy’ and his brothers Darryl and ‘Sodapop’ are troubled adolescents, mainly due to the death of the parents in a car accident. The three brothers and their friendship group refer to themselves as the ‘Greasers’, which depict a stereotypical rebellious group of boys who break the rules. Throughout the novel the ‘Greasers’ fight with rival neighbourhood gangs, which eventually results in a teenage death, forcing the brothers and their friends to lead a life of hiding and legal struggles. Nevertheless, later in the novel the boys become touted as heroes when they save young children from a fire, however this results in death to one of the ‘Greasers’ from serious burns. This ultimately teaches the boys a lesson on how precious life is.


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